
Squidward Moved to Utah for Religious Reasons

Girl to guy wearing alien-hand gloves: What the hell are those?
Guy: They're my testicles… No! My… My… Test–test… The things that octopuses have!
Girl: Tentacles?
Guy: Yes! Tentacles…

High School

Overheard by: Weskimo

Professor: Do we know if marijuana has any long-term effects?
Male student: Ball cancer.

Western Michigan University

Overheard by: H

Girl: Oh my god, I love their deep-fried mac and cheese balls!
Boy: I got some fried mac and cheese balls for you.
Girl: Tommy, if you tried to dip your balls in a deep fryer, they would probably fall off.
Boy: No they wouldn't.
Waiter, passing by quickly: Yes they would!

Cheesecake Factory
Kettering, Ohio

Girl #1, pointing to bag of peanuts: Are those your nuts?
Girl #2: No, they’re Bob’s* nuts.
[brief pause, then both girls begin laughing hysterically]Girl #1, after a few minutes: That was the stupidest thing ever.
Girl #2: You know you liked it.

Oakland, California

Overheard by: I laughed because I didn’t know what was going on

Girl walking with two guys: I’m going to teabag you! …I’m so glad I know what that means now!

Pullman, Washington

Overheard by: Rachel

Man: My scrotum is so confused!

Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: Chelsea

Guy: Yeah, and then there was uncle Marty, who was on his knees throwing balls at her…


Chick on cell: You’re gonna go rubbin’ your balls all over other girls and I can’t even…?

Overheard by: lichka

Chick: No, I don’t remember that.
Dude: I remember you grabbing my balls…

Parking lot
Santa Barbara, California

Overheard by: Z

Professor: Sorry if you’ve been excited to see how you did on your essays, but I didn’t get a chance to mark them over Christmas break.
Class: [Groans.]Professor: Well, my testicles swelled to the size of grapefruit over the holiday break, so don’t think you’re the only ones disappointed. My wife wasn’t thrilled, either.

York University

Overheard by: decidingwhethertolaughornot