Man: You look familiar.
Woman: I think we are neighbors. 1st and Bates?
Man: Yeah, we live on the 1st Street side.
Woman: Ah, I live near the crackhouse on Bates.
Man: Can you be more specific?
Woman: The red crackhouse on Bates.
Man: You look familiar.
Woman: I think we are neighbors. 1st and Bates?
Man: Yeah, we live on the 1st Street side.
Woman: Ah, I live near the crackhouse on Bates.
Man: Can you be more specific?
Woman: The red crackhouse on Bates.
Drunk guy to two chicks: I was so tanked last night that I don’t know if I shit in my bed or if somebody else shit in my bed as a joke, but someone definitely shit in my bed. It was a pretty good party, though.