
Guy: I’m not really like a saucy, creamy guy.

Overheard by: the ear

Dude: She has some sort of mental block about putting her legs above her head.

Overheard by: etherealagent

Guy: What a shitty day. My girlfriend told me I was ‘needy, at best.’

Montreal metro

Overheard by: Marie Elaine

Dude: If I wasn’t in jail or high, I was working construction.

Overheard by: jessica

Dude checking phone: Terri Schiavo keeps calling me!

The Café du Marquis
Royal Oak, Michigan

Overheard by: Emma

Dude #1: … And so I woke up, and I was naked!
Dude #2: What? Why were you naked?
Dude #1: Well, ’cause I was stripping, duh.

New Zealand

Dude: My testicles are like cue balls…

The Arclight
Los Angeles, California

Guy #1: My lady friend is telling me that I’m never going to get any until I have a nice, big bed at home.
Guy #2: There might be something to that. I read this book called If the Buddha Dated, and I think it talked about us first needing a spiritual nest or something like that.
Guy #1: What? So now I’m supposed to believe in quantum pussy?

Overheard by: rich

Guy to friend: You open the Bible and you tell me where it says that Jesus Christ says it’s okay to smoke crack!

Arlington, Virginia

Overheard by: Passing Jogger

Pretty boy: Andy! I thought you not-gay-loved me!

Chandler, Arizona

Overheard by: Meghan