
30-ish lady: What grade are you in?
Little girl: Third grade. I can do math problems.
30-ish lady: Okay, well, if you have three dogs, two cats and four fish, how many animals do you have, total?
Little girl: … Ummm, nine.
30-ish lady: Well, yeah, sort of… If you count fish as animals, but really they’re amphibians.

Movie theater
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Overheard by: ak

Woman: You know, I wish I was more superficial.

Overheard by: rich

Lady: Wait, are you telling me that K.D. Lang is a lesbian?! How do you know?!

K.D. Lang/Lyle Lovett concert, Red Rocks Amphitheater

Woman to friend: ‘Cause, you know, I feel things. I’m, like, a feeler.

Overheard by: feelin it!

Dude: My grandmother told me never to discuss the three D’s in polite company.
Chick: Oh, yeah? What are they?
Dude: I don’t remember…

Overheard by: tim

Old nag, as train breaks down: Why’d we stop? What’s wrong?
Fellow commuter: We hit a buffalo.
Old nag: Really?!
Fellow commuter: Yes.

Worcester/Framingham Line to Boston, Massachusetts

Man: Man, I’d like to have been around when Jesus put all them dinosaurs here. I figure that woulda been pretty cool.
Friend: Yeah, that woulda been cool.

Canyonlands National Park
Moab, Utah

Overheard by: Iain

Shopkeeper: How’s your wife? Did they take her in to have the baby yet?
Shopper: Yeah, they took her in this morning to be seduced.

Northern Ireland

Overheard by: limeinside

Woman: Are these sandals man-made?
Clerk: The materials?
Woman: No, are these sandals man-made? Like, are they organic?

Student: Oh my god, Suzie! What happened?!
Suzie: I got in a car wreck.
Student: With what?!
Suzie: … A car.


Overheard by: Chey