Hot lady to another: Well, that’s one drawback to being a whore.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: loyal seattle reader
Hot lady to another: Well, that’s one drawback to being a whore.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: loyal seattle reader
Chick #1: So, what was it like? Would you do it again?
Chick #2: Kind of like a hot dog… I was so hungry…
Chick #1: Ewww!
Chick #1: I just wanted to bite down, y’know?
Girl #1: So, I told my dad to carry my futon up the stairs. There was no way I was going to!
Girl #2: Didn’t he just have major back surgery?
Girl #1: Yeah, but I didn’t want to strain myself. I’m, like, tiny. Plus, I had to make my room look good.
Overheard by: I just lost my appetite
Chick to friend: Seriously, smell my face!
University Village
Riverside, California
Girl in stall: Oooh, what is that little feeling in my tummy?
Bathroom, Bubba Gump, Universal CityWalk
Orlando, Florida
Overheard by: Kerberos
Chick #1: Have you ever had a class with him?
Chick #2: Yeah.
Chick #1: Does he really cry in class?
Chick #2: Sometimes.
Chick #1: … Cool.
Overheard by: wishing he was my prof
New bride: Should I get this bag for my mother-in-law?
Friend: Will it make her love you?
New bride: No… Fuck that bitch.
Saratoga Springs, New York
Overheard by: louise
Girl in dorm bathroom: I just love it when they shove evolution down my throat! That’s my favorite…
University of Wisconsin
Hot chick: What the hell is egg nog?
Overheard by: eston
Girl #1: I’m really scared right now! What are they doing? They’re going to break into some sort of big orgy any second!
Girl #2: It looks like some sort of weird sacrificial dance!
Girl #3: Yeah, like they’re getting ready to sacrifice a lamb!
Girl #2: Or a virgin!
Girl #1: Can they stop?! They’re giving me goosebumps! What are they doing?! Stop!