
Chick: Oh my god, Marissa! I just met a guy who’s looking for a girl to pee on him.
Marissa: I would totally do that!
Chick: I know! That’s why I told you.
Marissa: Let’s go find him!

Nightlight Lounge
Bellingham, Washington

Chick: Wow, you’re radiating!
Sunburned girl: Yeah, that’s the sunburn. Oh, and the fact that I get really horny during exams, and all I can think about is boning… C’mon, you know you all do it.
Chick: Yeah, I go to synagogue for that.

Burner chick: Yeah, I was going to run around the desert naked on drugs last night, but I just never got around to it.

Burning Man
Black Rock City, Nevada

Overheard by: McNasty

Chick: About a year ago I discovered that everything I learned at Harvard was actually through reading Wikipedia just before the exam.

Cambridge, Massachusetts

Girl #1: I have to fart. [Girl #2 ignores her.] I have to fart. [Still ignored.] Hellooo!
Girl #2, annoyed: What?
Girl #1: I said I have to fart!
Girl #2, after long pause: Do you want a cookie?

Columbus, Mississippi

Overheard by: Lauren

Girl #1: My friend just got a new boyfriend. She met him in the library.
Girl #2: What? I’m always in the library! Why don’t I have a boyfriend?

Overheard by: yager

Girl #1: Oh my god, is that the Nazi symbol on your necklace?!
Girl #2: … It’s a Star of David!

Bus Shelter C
Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: pedestrian

Chick: I’m as straight as a girl who doesn’t like boys!

Overheard by: anonymous

Girl #1: So, why did you dump him?
Girl #2: Because he was, like, really creepy!
Girl #1: What? Oh my god! How? He was perfect…!
Girl #2: Yeah, but he said he fantasized about eating babies.
Girl #1: So what?
Girl #2: … Oh my god! I am so glad you convinced me to stay with him! You’re right. He’s totally perfect.
Girl #1: So, you don’t care about the fact he wants to eat babies?
Girl #2: Well, that way at least if I got pregnant I, like, wouldn’t have to go to the doctor’s office to get rid of it!
Girl #1: Yeah, I love saving time.

Chick #1: So, I was talkin’ to Gary yesterday.
Chick #2: He is so far up his own ass, I’m surprised he can say anything.
Chick #1: Yeah, I know. He was talking about some audio clip he’s doing, and how great it is, and my god — he annoys the shit out of me!
Chick #2: Yeah… Fantastic fuck, though.
Chick #1: Agreed — he is huge… I kind of heart Gary.

Central Station