Lady: Yeah, he’s cute… for a seven-year-old girl.
Kenmore Square
Boston, Massachusetts
Overheard by: H
Lady: Yeah, he’s cute… for a seven-year-old girl.
Kenmore Square
Boston, Massachusetts
Overheard by: H
Skinny blonde: So, yeah, my mom is dating this new guy who’s just kind of awkward and nerdy and, well, he’s just really bad at socialism.
San Diego, California
Overheard by: Molly and Katy
Chick #1: What’s your favorite color?
Chick #2: Blue. What about you?
Chick #1: Well, I like the rainbow. And I know that fur’s not a color, but I really like fur.
Overheard by: flossy.
Chick: Okay, here’s your hundred thousand dollars, and there’s the mall. And I’ll just be sitting here sprouting a penis.
Carrboro, North Carolina
Overheard by: Li’l Bit
Hot chick #1: You? You’re gonna love me.
Hot chick #2: I already do!
Hot chick #1: Good. Cream cheese?
Chick: I’m not the one who decided to take her to a gay strip club. I just participated in it. I’m not taking responsibility.
Garden State Plaza, New Jersey
Lady to hubby: So, I’ve finally decided: for my interviews I’m not gonna get a new purse. I’m just gonna get a really nice fanny pack.
Pacifica, California
Girl yelling out window to friend: Bitch! I am the motherfuckin’ bishop Don Juan of proving points!
Colfax bus
Denver, Colorado
Overheard by: lauren
Girl, about hoochie: Wait a second, Angelica — I wanna stare at this girl’s boobs.
São Paulo
Chick looking at Bratz dolls: What happened to Barbie? Who are these people? Why are they trying to sell my five-year-old sister a doll that looks like a prostitute?
Mount Vernon, New York