San Francisco

Old grump #1: Well, you know how women boast.
Old grump #2: I know that. But I still cannot take her word for it that she is the best lay in the city.

San Francisco, California

Overheard by: the real deal

Teen girl to friend: Did you really think it was a coincidence that the week after you started bathing regularly you lost your virginity?

The Urban School
San Francisco, California

Bar patron: I might talk about it if I had a few drinks in me… But I’d never let someone do it!

Hawaii Bar
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: McNasty

Student: I decided to be a speech communication major because I like to talk a lot, and I wanted to find a way where I could get a job that makes me a lot of money for using my mouth.

San Francisco State University

Mother, reading newspaper: Dear God, another rapist is loose…
Six-year-old daughter: Mom, what’s rape?
Mother, uncomfortably: Um, that’s when a man forces a woman to have sex with him.
Six-year-old daughter: What’s sex?
Mother: Look! A bird!

Market Street
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Queen Of Spades

Enthusiastic lady: Oh, you must be having a boy!
Very preggers: Uh, no… It’s actually a girl.
Enthusiastic lady: Really? Because your face has changed!
Very preggers: What do you mean?
Enthusiastic lady: Oh, you know, it just looks bad. I was ugly, too, when I was pregnant with my son.

Clinic waiting room
San Francisco, California

50-something man to 50-something woman: You are not homeless. Homeless people don't own dinnerware!

BART Train
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Morpheus

College freshman: I keep making plans for my funeral, and they keep getting better!

San Francisco State University
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Anne

Student: Isn't all truth metaphysical by this standard?
Law professor: Are you stoned?

UC Hastings
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Loving this

Princess at front of bus: … And I went through seven laptops in high school.
Passenger: Oh, yeah? I went through ten laptops in high school!
Princess, offended: It’s rude to eavesdrop, you know!

5 bus
San Francisco, California