Overheard at KMC

MBA #1 whispering: Every time [the professor] says, ‘investment of comparable risk,’ don’t you feel like he is saying, ‘rodents of unusual size’? Like in The Princess Bride?
MBA #2: You don’t like Accounting, do you?


Man: Decaf, please.
MBA guy: Who the fuck orders decaf? That’s like having eyes yet walking around with them closed.


Accounting professor: You should drink champagne and go swimming — it’s lots of fun. Once you’re tipsy and get three to four feet underwater you have no idea which way’s up.


Professor: What is SWOT?
Student: Strength is your wife, weakness if neighbor’s wife, opportunity is when your neighbor is away, and threat is when you are away.


Overheard by:

Male MBA #1: We should have a contest to see who can bring the hottest date to charity ball.
Male MBA #2: That wouldn’t work, because looks are subjective.
Female MBA: Um… No… Some people are objectively hot. You can be empirically attractive.


Overheard by:

MBA guy: Did you see that George Clooney’s pig died?
MBA gal: I’ll be his pig if he wants. Oink, oink!


Cali MBA #1: The television news out here sucks.
Cali MBA #2: Yeah…and they're ugly.


Overheard by:

MBA: The name of the class is ‘Financial Statement Anal.’ Looks like it’ll be tough.


Overheard by: