Drunk chick on cell: Wait! You didn’t like Shaun of the Dead? What’s wrong with you? Never mind, you can’t stick it in me.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Overheard by: Shotboy
Drunk chick on cell: Wait! You didn’t like Shaun of the Dead? What’s wrong with you? Never mind, you can’t stick it in me.
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts
Overheard by: Shotboy
Teen boy #1: So, out of all the Disney princesses, which one would you get nasty with?
Teen boy #2: What? That’s gross shit, man. They’re cartoons! You’re disgusting.
Teen boy #1, after pause: So, the Little Mermaid?
Teen boy #2: Word.
Fall River, Massachusetts
Flight attendant: Should the overhead oxygen masks deploy, please put the mask around your face as I will now demonstrate… [Puts mask on, then breathes heavily] Luuuke, I am your father…
US Airways flight to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
[Family looking at a Golden Compass poster.]Mom: Oooh! The new Narnia movie!
Dad: Did you know the polar bear is Jesus?
Great Escape Theater
Overheard by: The Surly Usher
Girl on phone: Yeah, he couldn’t get it up, so we just watched Schindler’s List instead.
Best Shakespeare professor ever: I love metaphors. Metaphors be with you!
College of St. Rose
Albany, New York
Overheard by: Erin
Hipster kid #1: Kelsey, have you ever seen Fiddler on the Roof?
Hipster kid #2: No. I'm not a fan of Tennessee Williams.
Hipster kid #3: Um, I think you're thinking of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.
Hipster kid #2: Yeah, whatever. I was close.
Missouri Botanical Gardens
St. Louis, Missouri
Overheard by: tennessee williams' groupie
15-year-old thug, to thug friends: Hmm… P.S. I Love You. That was actually a pretty good movie.
Promenade de Cathedral
Overheard by: Reb