Intercom: The moving walkway is ending.
Little boy: The moving walkway is pooping! Haha! Pooping!
Midway Airport
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: morgz
Intercom: The moving walkway is ending.
Little boy: The moving walkway is pooping! Haha! Pooping!
Midway Airport
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: morgz
Guy #1: That is awesome! Awesome!
Guy #2: Yeah, it would be cool, until you got ectoplasm everywhere.
Concordia University
River Forest, Illinois
Overheard by: That would be messy.
Man on cell on train: No, I told you nothing's wrong, I'm just tired. (very long pause) No, nothing's wrong. We don't need to have a talk. (long pause) No, I told you, nothing's wrong. I'm on the train. (very long pause, then annoyed) Do you want to make that pasta tonight? That sounds like fun.
Chicago, Illinois
Dude on cell: Hey, all I know is lonely men love chicken…
Illinois Wesleyan University
Overheard by: martha
Huge guy with a Mohawk: It worries me that I can't smell my deodorant.
Grocery Store
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Deana
Happy man: Fred* and I really had fun last night. We fed Stumpy a cupcake!
Friend, after long pause: Christ, I hope that’s not a euphemism…
Chicago, Illinois
Professor (about Hamlet): So how is this like Lesbian porn?
Illinois Wesleyan University
35-year-old man: Do you know what I did for you? I left my home, my wife. I cheated because I was cheated on, I know what that's like. You're turning 30, you need a man, what's a woman at 30? You're alone!
28-year-old woman: You're having a midlife crisis. Women don't get those. I'm there for you, like, “you should stop at three drinks because you're a terrible drunk.”
35-year-old man: You'd do that for me?
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Matt
Economics professor: I don't judge others' lifestyles. (pause) I mean…unless they are a total trainwreck.
Illinois State University