
50-ish guy: … And now I inherited his twin sister!

Woodstock, New York

Dude: I want to fucking make out with you.
Chick: Yeah?
Dude: Yeah, maybe I will later.
Chick: Maybe.

Troy, New York

Overheard by: Andrew

Girl: May I have a Long Island Iced Tea?
Bartender: Sure.
80-year-old lady sitting at bar: Giiirl, I hope you took yo’ birf control today!

Klondike Kate’s
Newark, Delaware

Overheard by: Cols

Woman to herself: I love the smell of the subway!
Passerby: You know it’s primarily piss, right?

Consolação subway
São Paulo

Chick: What’s your background?
Girl with laptop: … Uh, I’m part Korean…
Chick: No, I meant on your computer.

Idyllwild, California

Girl on street: I like your hat!
Man on bike: Thank you!
Girl on street: I was just kidding!

Man: What’s your name?
Woman: Juna.
Man: That reminds of me of a tree… A beautiful tree.

Overheard by: leslie

Carpool driver, noticing woman at bus stop: She has art between her legs.

Overheard by: b!X

Enthusiastic lady: Oh, you must be having a boy!
Very preggers: Uh, no… It’s actually a girl.
Enthusiastic lady: Really? Because your face has changed!
Very preggers: What do you mean?
Enthusiastic lady: Oh, you know, it just looks bad. I was ugly, too, when I was pregnant with my son.

Clinic waiting room
San Francisco, California

Teen #1: Dude, gross!
Teen #2: Come on, man! Don’t act like that, you’ve wondered if it was worth it having your asshole licked during sex, too!
Teen #1: Yeah, but not by a fat Asian chick!
Stranger: Was it worth it?

Modern Skate and Surf
Royal Oak, Michigan