11-year-old boy: Let’s go fuck some girls!
Delhi Skatepark
Cincinnati, Ohio
11-year-old boy: Let’s go fuck some girls!
Delhi Skatepark
Cincinnati, Ohio
Physics professor: Hey! Listen up! I’m tired of some of you walking out or ignoring me when we talk about the Big Bang Theory. I’m not telling you God doesn’t exist, so don’t get your panties in a bunch! You! Sit down! Let me finish!
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Teen to friend: He's always making fun of the holocaust.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Dude to older lady: What do you mean, you don’t know what a hooker is? [To security guard] Hey, tell my mother what a hooker is.
Columbus, Ohio
Black teen girl to friend: He was like “you're so high you don't even know what to do!” and I was like “nigga, this ain't the first time I smoked!”
Columbus, Ohio
Overheard by: Hancock
Mom: Now think very hard, honey. Use your noggin.
Son, after long pause: I think my noggin is empty.
Little girl #1 (holding a Patrick Star toy): Mommy, mommy! Can I get this?
Scary mom: No.
Little girl #1: Why?
Scary mom: Because last time we bought one of those was the day you had your seizure.
Little girl #1 (running around the store and flapping her arms): My seizure, my seizure!
Little girl #2 (also running and flapping): Your seizure, your seizure!
Kings Island, Ohio