Black people

Big black lady in checkout lane: This place is a hell of a lot better than Wal-Mart.
Companion: Tell me about it.
Big black lady: Last time I was in there, my blood pressure was, like, eight hundred over five hundred.
Companion: Mmm-hm.
Big black lady: I was seeing stars. Pretty colors, though. Man, I should not have seen cats.

Target, Woodruff Road
Greenville, South Carolina

Overheard by: amused cashier

Black guy on cell: Man, I just stepped outside and saw, like, ten elephants walking down the street!

Phoenix, Arizona

Overheard by: John Edward Hills

Professor: Okay, this appears to be advertising for a brand of malt liquor. Who here drinks malt liquor?
Only black guy in class: Me!
Professor, laughing: Okay, Martin drinks malt liquor.
Black guy: Brothers drink malt liquor!
Professor, laughing: That’s right, brothers drink malt liquor!

Anthropology class, UCLA
Los Angeles, California

Big black woman acting as bathroom attendant: Welcome, beautiful ladies, to the best urination station in the nation! A big pee at the Big E! Stall 5 is open! Okay, we've got a full house, so I wanna hear some flushin'! Ma'am, go to numba 2, let it flow through! Pee as comfortably as you can, cause we all know this place was built by a man! The stalls are too small, haha!

Bathroom, Big E Fairgrounds
Springfield, Massachusetts

Blonde: Ohhh my god! How adorable is he! [Her two friends agree, cooing.]Baby daddy holding infant: Thank you, girls.
Blonde: Can I hold him?
Baby daddy: Yeah, sure… Here you go.
Blonde: Awww, I love him! What’s his name?
Baby daddy: Uhhh… Shit, I know this… Shavon? Shavawn?
Blonde: You don’t even know your son’s name?!
Baby daddy: Shoot, I did earlier. Shavon! Yeah… That’s it. Damn, and I helped name this one, too.

Temple University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Overheard by: hot child in the city

Black woman to child: You just mama's little white boy, aren't you? Yes you are!
Passing Hispanic woman: Is he really white?

Wal-Mart Parking Lot
Austin, Texas

Overheard by: Walk By Faster

Black teen employee to teen girl employee: Some of these people, they want to get to know you and make a connection, and I'm like, “man, I don't want to be your friend, I just want to give you a towel.”

Marino Center
Boston, Massachusetts

Freshman girl, gesturing: I bet it's thiiiis tiny!
Big black freshman, barreling up stairs: No! I'll show you!

High School
Skillman, New Jersey

Overheard by: 3 guesses at what they're talking about.

Bed, Bath and Beyoobies Stives to Be Inclusive

Crazy black guy, very loudly to himself: That's the factory where they make gay people, but I don't care, because that's also where they make boobies!

Charlottesville, Virginia

Overheard by: tom

African-American man on phone: Well, now, you just bring your hair… and you be on your way.

Overheard by: serial forgetter of hair