Woman: I was in Budapest and people would ask, ‘Is everyone in America like Dick Cheney?’ And I’m like, ‘Fuck no!’
Overheard by: rich
Woman: I was in Budapest and people would ask, ‘Is everyone in America like Dick Cheney?’ And I’m like, ‘Fuck no!’
Overheard by: rich
Woman: Don’t I strike you as blonde?
Overheard by: rich
Woman: You know, I wish I was more superficial.
Overheard by: rich
Guy #1: My lady friend is telling me that I’m never going to get any until I have a nice, big bed at home.
Guy #2: There might be something to that. I read this book called If the Buddha Dated, and I think it talked about us first needing a spiritual nest or something like that.
Guy #1: What? So now I’m supposed to believe in quantum pussy?
Overheard by: rich
Sheriff: These are kind of like deputy pickles.
Overheard by: anonymous
Man: What’s your name?
Woman: Juna.
Man: That reminds of me of a tree… A beautiful tree.
Overheard by: leslie
Carpool driver, noticing woman at bus stop: She has art between her legs.
Overheard by: b!X
Skinny guy: I like the big girls because they're cleaner, and they buy you drinks.
Overheard by: joe joe.
Dude: Overall, it was a good weekend… My knees, ass and thumb hurt.
Overheard by: clickmehard
PSU freshman (attempting to flirt): Wow, that’s an amazing accent! Is it British?
Cute freshman who says Rs like Ws: Actually, it’s a speech impediment.
Overheard by: ellen