Overheard in PDX

Woman #1: I can’t believe they set you up.
Woman #2: I know. I mean, the guy did not even have a college degree. I don’t want to sound like an elitist, but I am a doctor. What were they thinking?


Overheard by: dave

Bar-hopping frat boy: She was begging me for a cab, not to put it in her poop chute.


Overheard by: clinton

Lunching ladies to man nearby: Well, we’re not crazy, and we have vaginas.


Overheard by: paul

Boy #1: Why do you have all your stuff with you?
Boy #2, carrying oversized bag of athletic equipment: I have class at 3:50, then I have to ride straight over to practice.
Boy #1: Oh, that sucks.
Boy #2: Well, it could be worse. I could have syphilis.


Overheard by: lilly

Woman on cell: Yeah, I'm on my way to work. I gotta stop for cigarettes and a cocktail.


Overheard by: aaron

Skinny guy #1: I’m thinking our restaurant should have, like, taxidermied animals and tomato plants and stuff.
Skinny guy #2: Way cool!
Skinny guy #1: That way it could be like a museum of natural history full of the things people are eating, living or dead.


Overheard by: rich

Large white lady to small Mexican husband: I’m bleeding. [Pokes hubby, who ignores her.] Heyyy, I’m bleeding from my neck! Don’t you care?! [Hubby puts headphones on and looks out window.] I wish I knew you didn’t speak English before I married you!


Overheard by: corwin

Female shoplifting defendant: I’m just saying I didn’t have a vagina full of jewelry in 2005.


Overheard by: woof

Woman: My life is surreal. His life is about anger and priorities.


Overheard by: rich

Kid, watching glockenspiel chime: Look mommy, a witch!
Mommy: No honey, that's a nun.


Overheard by: natalie