Hobo: Hey, man, can you spare a quarter?
Suit: Sure. Here you go.
Hobo: Thanks. [Calling after suit] I like your outfit!
Overheard by: rich
Hobo: Hey, man, can you spare a quarter?
Suit: Sure. Here you go.
Hobo: Thanks. [Calling after suit] I like your outfit!
Overheard by: rich
Girl on cell: His thing…it was like a big lamb sandwich!
Overheard by: aaron
Small child to father: You're a sad puppy that burps. You're a stinky puppy that's sad… and burps.
Overheard by: elizabeth
Blonde #1: I think it’s good we called off the wedding.
Blonde #2: Yeah, marriage probably wasn’t the best idea.
Blonde #1: I wonder if I would’ve actually gone through with it.
Blonde #2: Do you seriously think you would have?!
Blonde #1: Well, maybe…
Blonde #2: But he slept with me right after he proposed to you!
Blonde #1: Yeah, I guess…
Blonde #2: And he went up my ass!
Overheard by: juniper
Lady with mic: Nothing is more powerful than Jesus! He die; he get up!
Overheard by: lab
Woman #1: Well, you know, we're screwed either way. Whether Obama or that other guy with the lump on the side of his face wins.
Woman #2: McCain?
Woman #1: Yeah! I mean, he turns one way and it's just all… (uses hands to demonstrate) There! What the fuck is that?
Overheard by: kris.
Man: Styrofoam… Just thinking of it sends chills up and down my spine. Man, I hate that stuff.
Overheard by: aaron
Guy bidding farewell to pals: You guys take care of yourselves in the car… I didn’t mean that like it came out.
Overheard by: mike
Guy: Jesus puked in your car?
Overheard by: rich
Indian entrepreneur: I am tired of listening to people talking. I want to listen to me talking.
Overheard by: rich