Sorority types

Sorority girl #1: Are you gonna go?
Sorority girl #2: Like, I don't know. Like, I think I'm gonna go.
Sorority girl #3: Like, I think I'm gonna go, but like I don't know yet.
Sorority girl #2: Oh my god, like after I came back from Vegas, I gained some weight, so like I took Adderall for like two days!

Austin, Texas

Sorority chick #1: Pat* and I hooked up last night, and now I have a hickey…
Sorority chick #2: What is he, in junior high? I didn’t know people still did that.

Colgate University
Hamilton, New York

Overheard by: Evie

Sororitard to business classmates: Well, I guess it depends whether you consider a dog a person or not…


Overheard by: liz

Sorority girl: Well, yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have a tampon in your butt.

Dickinson College
Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Young college girl to group of boys and girls: We're already sluts cause we pants each other.

Overheard by: that's not the only reason

Girl #1: You can’t just not smell his pillow.
Girl #2: I know, right? Just smell as hard as you can!

Macalester College
St Paul, Minnesota

Overheard by: isa

College girl: I don't want to spam twenty people! I just want to know what fucking Disney princess I am!

Hofstra University
Long Island, New York

Sorority girl to another, sitting in booth: Girl, I was double-fisted all night long last night!
Gay dude #1, quite loudly, to gay dude #2: Oh my god! That is so nasty! Who on earth would ever say something like that out in public! I wouldn't want anyone to know that anyone could do anything like that to me, let alone enjoy it! Nasty bitches!
Gay dude #2 to gay dude #1, very quietly: Um, I think she meant she had a drink in both hands, you idiot.
Gay dude #1: Oh.

Chinese Restaurant
Lexington, Kentucky

Overheard by: j-we

College girl: Just think about all the chickens that get killed every day, like just by McDonald’s.
Friend: Yeah, but you know… I don’t really care.
College girl: Oh no, I don’t care about them either, I’m just scared they’re gonna run out of chickens.

Boston, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Curlee

Sorority chick #1: Hey, you know there’s Bible study in my room at eight tonight?
Sorority chick #2: Hmmm, eight? Okay, I guess I can come.
Sorority chick #1: And then we can go get wasted!

Ladies’ locker room, University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee

Overheard by: New Yorker