
Child: Look!
Mom: They’re just flamingos. They don’t do anything.

Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: Suezahn

Hoochie on pink cell: I always change my sheets in between boyfriends. It’s like how guys change condoms in between girls.

13th Street
Gainesville, Florida

Hot girl: I haven’t had sex in so long.
Cute friend, nodding: Mmmm.
Hot girl: Nobody pays attention to me…
Cute friend: It’s ’cause you only have boyfriends.
Hot girl: Yeah… And… [Whispers] I kinda like pooping.

Tampa, Florida

Girl in stall: Oooh, what is that little feeling in my tummy?

Bathroom, Bubba Gump, Universal CityWalk
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: Kerberos

Little girl, repeatedly: Bow-chicka-wow-wow!

Barnes & Noble
Melbourne, Florida

Man to friend: Let’s play the handicapped game — paralyzed, or just lazy?

Epcot Park, Disney World
Orlando, Florida

Girl: I love this new toothpaste I got. It has green tea in it and tastes absolutely fantastic. It feels like there’s a tea party going on in my mouth, and I just want to invite my teddy bears or something!

Melbourne, Florida

Overheard by: Ali and Livi

Frat boy: Dude, the dumbest thing I ever did was graduate…

Wall Street
Orlando, Florida

Overheard by: alexis

20-ish girl: Wait… Is it the Specific Ocean or the Pacific Ocean?

Sarasota, Florida

Queer: So, that pretty much sums it up.
Fag hag: Wow.
Queer: It’s actually pretty usual for gays, I’m just not into it.
Fag hag: Wow. I am so scared of gay men right now.
Queer: Sweetie, it’s not like a hamster wearing galoshes is [bus goes by so rest is inaudible].
Fag hag: Like summer camp.

Bus stop
Gainesville, Florida