Overheard at McGill

Chick: … So then he started talking about feelings and stuff, and how we only have sex and we never talk anymore! [Friend nods.] Like, sometimes after we do it he tries to cuddle with me, and all I can think about is, ‘Damn, I really just want to sleep…’ So, do I break up with him?


Overheard by:

Dude #1: So, what are you in?
Chick: Physiology, but I’m taking physics and anatomy.
Dude #2: Shit! So you get to go to the morgue and stuff?
Chick: Yeah! I love it!
Dude #1: Do you have to touch their privates?!


Girl #1: You are definitely sluttier than I am!
Girl #2: No way. You are!
Girl #1: You are sleeping with two guys!
Girl #2: You sleep with guys and don’t call them back…ever.
Girl #1: Is that slutty?


Overheard by: cybertheque

Linguistics professor, after girl asks question: Well, the short answer would be ‘Yes,’ and by ‘yes’ I mean ‘no.’


Overheard by:

Girl #1: You're a fat whore. Well…minus the fat part.
Girl #2: Whatever. I'd rather be a whore than fat.
Girl #3: I like your morals!


Overheard by: Ian

Blonde: What if the Nazis got Facebook?


Chick: I mean, I looked down at my underwear and I was like, ‘Toxic stuff really shouldn’t be down there.’


Upper year girl, about much younger student: I couldn't get him into bed any other way. I had to date him!


Overheard by: Paul

Girl, getting up to leave: Gotta go meet flipper down by the docks, he's bringing me a shipment of cocaine.


Overheard by: Ben

Dude: Eggs are just chicken menstruation.
Tired guy: Best menstruation I’ve ever had!


Overheard by: douglas