Burping & farting

Lady on cell: Yes, I need to know what kind of an exhibition it will be, otherwise I’m not going to run it… Well, I’m not interested in people burping on each other or feeling each other up — that’s just a little weird… Well, yes, it makes up a part of my personality too, but not a very large or important one.

Univeristy of Melbourne

Small child to father: You're a sad puppy that burps. You're a stinky puppy that's sad… and burps.


Overheard by: elizabeth

Teen girl #1: So what you’re saying is, when I fart I’m smelling my own shit-smell?
Teen girl #2: Exactly. That’s how it works.
Teen girl #1: That’s nasty. I can’t believe people do that all day!

Toronto, Ontario

Overheard by: Sass

Nonchalant tween: My farts smell like I Can't Believe It's Not Butter!®

Moscow, Idaho

Overheard by: saturday morning

Man #1: Are these seats taken?
Man #2: No, they are not, but I have to warn you — we both had Chinese food for dinner, so we are going to have some major gas in a little bit.
Man #1: That’s fine, we had Thai.
Man #2: Oh, then we’re even. Have a seat.

Consolidated Theaters
Silver Spring, Maryland

Overheard by: feeling a little gassy myself

Guy: Hey, come sit over here.
Girl, taking seat: Why?
Guy: I farted.
Girl, remaining in seat: Oh, I don't care.
Guy: Goddamn it! Why are the girls we hang out with so cool?

Jersey City, New Jersey

Scruffy dude picking up cell with fart noises as ringtone: Hi, honey.

Family Video
Brockport, New York

Overheard by: swear it was the phone

Girl #1: I'll check back. I'll continue to burp regularly and tell you about it.
Girl #2: Please do.

Brock University
St. Catharines, Ontario

Loud high school chick in back of the bus: Remember when Amanda was wearing that skirt and she farted? It sounded like she dropped a fucking bomb! Wheeee-boom! Everyone applauded, it was that fucking cool.


Overheard by: bitingontinfoil

Ditzy college girl: Everyone burps, everyone farts, everyone poops, and it feels fucking amazing.

Lynchburg College
Lynchburg, Virginia