Girl #1: I have to fart. [Girl #2 ignores her.] I have to fart. [Still ignored.] Hellooo!
Girl #2, annoyed: What?
Girl #1: I said I have to fart!
Girl #2, after long pause: Do you want a cookie?
Columbus, Mississippi
Overheard by: Lauren
Girl #1: I have to fart. [Girl #2 ignores her.] I have to fart. [Still ignored.] Hellooo!
Girl #2, annoyed: What?
Girl #1: I said I have to fart!
Girl #2, after long pause: Do you want a cookie?
Columbus, Mississippi
Overheard by: Lauren
Random girl in hallway: If you have a stuffy nose and are in an elevator with someone who just farted, but you don't know they did, does it still smell bad?
Orlando, Florida
Overheard by: Jen
Loud woman #1: My friend is on that. When you fart, it makes you shit oil.
Loud woman #2: Really?
Loud woman #1: Yup, you shit oil and grease.
Overheard by: grossed out
Guy to pals: Did you ever put baby powder on your butt and then fart?
Newark, Delaware
Overheard by: how are these people my friends?
Gay man: Listen, we've all shat, we've all farted, we've all touched ourselves, and we've all used a dildo.
Girls: Ummm… no.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Young son, after burping loudly: I burped!
Father: Does it smell like baloney?
Young son: No…?
Father: Then you're not a man yet!
Rockville, Maryland
Overheard by: Big D.
Panicked child, between gasps: Why… do I… keep… burping?
Girl: So, I was here yesterday and there was this, like, gorgeous guy standing in front of me. And then guess what he did? He let one go! Seriously! It wasn’t quiet, either — more like someone ripping carpet off a floor. I wondered if he’d messed himself… Gnarls Barkley again? Don’t they have any other mixed tapes?
Churchgoer to another: Did you fart? Something smells like buttermilk.
Methodist Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
Overheard by: Nick
Five-year-old girl: I farted on you, again.
Five-year-old brother: I don't care.
Shoreline, Washington