
Drunk guy outside window: I didn't storm the beaches of Normandy so you could fly around on pieces of wood!

Montague Street

Overheard by: sarah (trying to sleep here!)

Drunk teen: Anyone could be a rapist… I could be a rapist, that lady with the bag could be a rapist… [Lady with bag looks over, appalled.] Oh, well, I’m sure you are really very nice!

King’s Cross Night Bus

Overheard by: Andrea

Sober girl: Look, all I'm saying is, I wouldn't fucking mess with her. She's clinically insane.
Drunk girl: But you know, I think she's really smart. There are those people, you know, that are so smart they're like actually crazy… Real mental, and we just think they're weird, but they're not! They have like, an IQ of 200!
Sober girl: You do realize that she drew pictures of her friends decapitated, right?

New Zealand

Overheard by: Were they talking about the same person?

Drunk girl #1: God, I hate you. How do you stay so skinny?
Drunk girl #2: I only eat when I’m drunk.

United Kingdom

Overheard by: Nighttime Smoker

Tipsy guy to girl beside him: What are you doing later?
Girl: Going home to Scotchgard my bathrobe.

Duke & Duchess Bar

Overheard by: Cooper Street Relic

Coworker: Where were you? You were meant to be in work at 7!
Drunk Slovakian guy arriving at work: I drank Jack Daniels until 5 this morning, then went to bed. I woke at nine and fucked Jane, then got my brother to drop me off at work.

Northern Ireland

Drunk male friend: What do you want for your birthday, baby? I can make it happen, just tell me what you want!
Really, really drunk birthday girl, pointing at someone else: I want in that guy's pants!

Norfolk, Virginia

Drunk girl: Look! I have salt stains all over my pants. I'm a car.

Saint Joseph's University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Drunk chick: Look, this is going to take five seconds. I just want to say hi, suck him off, and then we can leave.


Overheard by:

Drunk girl: Oh my god, how can you be wearing a t-shirt right now? It’s so cold outside!
Bouncer: I love the cold. In fact, I have the air conditioning on in my apartment right now.
Drunk girl: Wow, so, what are you? Like, from Florida or something?
Bouncer: No… That doesn’t make any sense.

Washington Street
Brighton, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Patron