New Jersey

Women #1: Oh, I know why I feel crappy–cramps.
Woman #2: Ew! Me too. Very PMS-y. Craving Cheetos.
Woman #1: That's serious.

Rochelle Park, New Jersey

Fat guy: You wanna see a hot picture?
Girlfriend: Yeah, I wanna see a hot picture.
Fat guy: It’s me with no shirt on… And I was rubbin’ m’nipples.

Columbia High School
Maplewood, New Jersey

Husband: I'm good at finding little kids' panties.
Wife: That's not a quality that you should announce.

Jersey City, New Jersey

Man to friend: She makes me want to cheat on my wife in front of my wife.

Exchange Place, New Jersey

Overheard by: John

Girl: First, string cheese. Then masturbation!

Saint Peter's College
New Jersey

Guy: My mom hit my dad with a frying pan. He doesn't have a cheek anymore. It's been entirely restructured. She used to beat the shit out of him! It was so funny. But when he drunk–that's when she'd get a beating.
Girl, sympathetically: Your family…
Guy: Oh, I love my family! I don't know what I'd do without them!

Neptune City, New Jersey

Girl: I haven't drank since New Year's.
Friend: That was yesterday, Tina*.

Jersey City, New Jersey

Little girl, singing: You got a fat butt, you got a fat butt!
Mother: Now sweetie, that's not nice to say about mommy.
Little boy: But its true!

Dressing Room
Union, New Jersey

Overheard by: Sarah

Old man #1: Oh my god! You’re still alive?!
Old man #2: Well, yeah, ya old fuck!

Hoboken, New Jersey

Overheard by: Wendy GK

Out-patient guy: I am totally embracing this program with both feet first.

Parsippany, New Jersey

Overheard by: Mary Beth