Drunk queer: I can pick up a shot glass with my ass!

Outside Grand Central
Baltimore, Maryland

Overheard by: widget

Girl on cell: I mean, if I was a freshman I would’ve been all over him, but I’m not anymore and it sucks. Now I’m all paranoid about diseases and stuff, and I can’t just do whatever I want — I actually have to think about things.


Overheard by: gladimnotoneofthose

High school boy: Damn, this is the part where we go over the ocean! I hate this shit! Every day going over the ocean! Shit!

Yellow Line train crossing the Potomac
Washington, DC

Overheard by: Not afraid of the Potomac

Blonde: I wish we got graded on our bras. I would get an A. Get it?


Overheard by: Kelsey

Woman: I was in Budapest and people would ask, ‘Is everyone in America like Dick Cheney?’ And I’m like, ‘Fuck no!’


Overheard by: rich

Bimbette: Oh my god! I just realized that I missed all of my classes today!


Overheard by:

Smoking office lady to others: She gets up on her roof, strips down, and just bakes in the sun. She thinks that just because she goes to the dermatologist once a month she’s not going to get cancer. [Takes a long drag] What a retard!


Overheard by: herbie mchebrew

Girl to guy #1: I hate you. I hate you so much! I hate you more than… Flotsam hates Jetsam!
Guy #2: Shit, dude, I’d watch out.

Jacksonville, Florida

Girl #1: Oh my god!
Girl #2: Hm?
Girl #1: I think Charlie ate my soul!
Girl #2: … Is that a euphemism for something I don’t want to hear about?

38X bus
Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: this bus is weird…

Girl: The schedule says ‘Icebreaker activity.’ Do you think that will involve a lot of bodily contact?

Washington, DC