Male golfer to 20-something son and his girlfriend: See, that's the problem golfing with a female. If there are no women here, the world is your toilet!
The Magnolia Golf Course, DisneyWorld
Orlando, Florida
Male golfer to 20-something son and his girlfriend: See, that's the problem golfing with a female. If there are no women here, the world is your toilet!
The Magnolia Golf Course, DisneyWorld
Orlando, Florida
Little boy whispering to old lady: Are you my secret friend?
Disney World
Overheard by: sara aliza
Man: My scrotum is so confused!
Orlando, Florida
Overheard by: Chelsea
20-ish girl: I suppose, but only if I can dress like a whore. That way, I’ll feel comfortable in my surroundings.
Disney World
Young woman: He was really sweet about the butt sex… If it’s possible to be sweet about butt sex.
Windermere, Florida
Overheard by: I think that’s entirely possible…
TA on cell: No, I do not want to play “guess who's pregnant?” again.
University of Florida
Overheard by: nick
Dad to little boy: If it comes between your life and this camera, save the camera!
Animal Kingdom, Walt Disney World
Man to son, coming out of restroom: After what you tried to do to Tigger I'm not sure if you deserve that.
Disney World
Orlando, Florida
Overheard by: Tracy