Dude: My testicles are like cue balls…
The Arclight
Los Angeles, California
Dude: My testicles are like cue balls…
The Arclight
Los Angeles, California
Mother to toddler daughter: Would you rather I just say “testicles”?
Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Overheard by: Brian
Teen boy, jokingly: So, yeah — I was thinking about getting my testicles removed, so that way no one can kick me there anymore.
Teen girl, mortified: No, don’t! You need one to live!
Fairfax, Minnesota
Overheard by: Amused friend
Dude, after receiving dickhead hat on 50th birthday: Hey, look! My double chin looks like a pair of balls in a nutsack!
Columbia, Missouri
Overheard by: Tiger Fan
Frat boy: So, the prof walked into class and he looked right at me and he said, ‘Drew*, your right testicle is hanging out.’ That’s how he started the class!
Girl: Every time I walk into Stop ‘N Shop and get a whiff of Irish Spring I think of your testicles.
Seton Hall University
South Orange, New Jersey
Overheard by: Never will think of Irish Spring the same way again
Girl: Do you want me to kick you in the balls?
Guy: What?
Girl: Cause then you'd be all like, “Now I can't reproduce. What's the point anymore?”
Weir House
New Zealand