
Sunday school instructor: Hate is a very, very strong adjective.

Donkey Coffee
Athens, Ohio

Overheard by: Lisa

Roommate #1: God! I’m tired of all the gay people in Richmond.
Roommate #2: Yeah, seriously.
Roommate #1: There are so many gay people in my music classes.
Roommate #2: Really?
Roommate #1: Yeah, I’m tired of looking at them and imagining butt sex all the time.

Richmond, Virginia

Blonde student to astronomy professor: Can you tell me approximately how many stars there are in our solar system?

Wheaton College
Wheaton, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Amycakes

Dude #1: You gotta go nucular on them!
Dude #2: It’s ‘nuclear,’ not ‘nucular.’
Dude #1: No, you can say either. It’s like the difference between saying ‘pancakes’ and ‘flapjacks.’ It means the same thing.
Dude #2: Ummm… No.

Overheard by: I say

Dude #1: Hey, man, call someone and see if you can get us a ride.
Dude #2: Denny’s.
Dude #1, pausing: … No, you need to make some calls and see if you can get someone to give us a ride.
Dude #2: Denny’s.
Dude #1, after longer pause: Dude, are you hungry?
Dude #2: No… I could use some food, though.

Bay Area Rapid Transit District, California

Lady: Um, I want a side salad without the cheese, and–
Burger drone: –No.
Lady: No?
Burger drone: Not without cheese. It comes with cheese.
Lady: I can’t have it without cheese?
Burger drone: There’s no way that could possibly happen.

Burger King, Columbus Drive and Dale Mabry Highway
Tampa, Florida

Overheard by: Have it your way, if your way is our way, too.

Confused customer: So, how much is this 30-cent gum?
Employee: Um, 25 cents.

Guy #1: Dude, the prof is such a bitch!
Guy #2: Yeah, it must’ve been that time of the month for her.
Girl: That is, like, so incredibly sexist! Ugh! [Storms off.]Guy #2: What the hell was that all about?
Guy #1: Must be that time of month for her, too.
Guy #2: For real.

Cute, hungry 20-something: I love menus, they're like porn.

Philadelhia, Pennsylvania

Overheard by:

Woman to friend: You just lift up your shirt, look down, and there it is.

St. Catharine’s

Overheard by: J Menz