
Gym teacher, during stretches: If you do it this way, it makes it easier and also more challenging.

Henry Wise Wood High School

Middle-aged woman: What the fuck is ‘W-T-F’?

Exmouth, Devon
United Kingdom

Overheard by: Bernard

Woman #1: How do you spell ‘rarely’?
Woman #2: R-A-I-R-L-E-E… Here, maybe I should fill that out.

Overheard by: office dog

Dude whining about a girl: That’s how she does it, man. That’s her opus miranda.

Spadina street car
Toronto, Ontario

Overheard by: Fuel

Guy trying to solve Rubik’s Cube: Once I figure out how to solve this thing, I’m gonna be banging chicks everywhere.


Queer en route to Obama rally: Oh my god, he’s so cute. Do you think he’ll sign my ass for me?

Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

Overheard by: Rachel Jane

Dude: So, what is this? Like, an energy drink, too?
Barista: Nah, it’s just a soda.
Dude: Hmmm, white grape juice, filtered carbonated water… It does have like 22 grams of sugar, but I guess it’s like natural sugar, so it’s not so bad, right?
Barista: I don’t know, it might kill ya!
Dude: Yeah, but I think that things that kill you make you smarter.

Jersey City, New Jersey

Man: So yeah, the baby is due in July.
Hairdresser: This year?


Overheard by: Brett

Movie-goer: It was, like, almost orgasmic… without the orgasm.

Nova Cinema
Carlton, Melbourne

Overheard by: Hayley

Middle-aged American tourist woman: The rooms here have strange plugs, I simply cannot use my curling iron! This is outrageous… I want to see the manager immediately!

Hotel Restaurant

Overheard by: Dru