
Woman: Oh, man, I wish I had nuts.

Bellingham, Washington

Overheard by: Amused Friend

Waiter: How were the balls?
Blonde: Well, they were filling.

Cheesecake Factory
Providence, Rhode Island

Overheard by: Mallory

Toddler, pointing to gigantic bin ball: Daddy!
Father: Oh, believe me kid, we don't need any more balls in our house.

Shoprite in Clark, New Jersey

Overheard by: allison

20-something guy: My testicles are perfect!
Friends: [Silence.]50-something lady walking past: [Snicker.]


Overheard by: sarah

Gay #1: One guy likes to have his junk stepped on, but no punches in them.
Gay #2: Ow!
Gay #1: I don't like balls in my toes, though.
Gay #2: Just think of it as sand on a beach!

Somerville, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Scott

College girl #1: (laughs hysterically)
College girl #2: Yeah, and while he was balls deep in me too, can you believe that?


Girl, after kissing boy: You taste like smoke.
Boy: You taste like testicles.

Las Vegas, Navada

Overheard by: ScaredTourist

Bicyclist: So I guess your grandma didn't like the joke about your balls.

Rockland County, New York

Guest lecturer: My pants are animate, socks are inanimate.
Linguistics professor: Did you just say your pants are animate?
Guest lecturer: Yes, if it's near your genitals it's animate.


Overheard by: Breanne

Girl: I look retarded!
Guy: My balls hurt.

George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia