
Vet student #1: I need to see about some place that allows animals next year. I really miss my cats.
Vet student #2: Yeah, I thought about that. I guess it all just depends. I mean, if I can get a boyfriend, I might not even need a dog.

20-something American girl, loudly and excitedly, pointing at statue: Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod! There's a statue of Jesus! They've got a statue of Jesus Christ! Ohmigod!
Unimpressed 20-something Greek girl: That's a statue of Zeus. (slight pause) You fucking retard.

National Archaeological Museum

Overheard by: Bleep

Professor, to newbie class: So…let's start with everyone telling me a secret about themselves so I can try and remember your names. You (pointing to student) start.
Student, tentatively: Ummm…I eat cold spaghetti in the morning?
Professor: Ewww! Fantastic.

University of Zurich

Overheard by: Stephanie

Lecturer, about exam questions: I mislead you on purpose. I have to get some sense of perverse pleasure out of designing these questions. I sit at home going “aahahahahahaa!” (rubs hands gleefully)

Irish Culture Lecture
University of Zurich

Woman to boy: Put a sweater on!
Boy's mother: No, he's fine.
Boy: I know I'm fat but I still get cold.


Student to friend: Of course meat and veggies on a plate aren't supposed to touch each other! If they were then they'd be called… Uh… Uh… Starsky and Hutch!


Overheard by: ?

Political science professor to class, explaining the term “political actors”: Political actors can be political parties, politicians, organizations of different kinds…and by organizations I do not think of a group of pedophile carpenters gathering in a living room.

NTNU University

Overheard by: Amused student

Guy #1: Oh my god! You look good! You’ve never looked so good!
Girl: Um… I don’t know how to take that.
Guy #1: I just mean that you look so much better than I’ve ever seen.
Girl: You’re making this worse.
Guy #1: Don’t worry. I’m not hitting on you.
Guy #2: Stop talking, dude.


Kindergarten teacher: Hey, what are you doing?
Little girl: Nothing, but I can repair it if you want me to!


Girlfriend to boyfriend: Honey, don't you think I've got Bambi eyes?
Boyfriend: No!
Girlfriend: A lot of people think so.
Boyfriend: You don't have Bambi eyes.
