Girl #1: Every time I see him, he seems so sad.
Girl #2: Every time I see him, he seems so hot!
Girl #1: Well, yeah, but also… somewhat… homosexual.
Overheard by: JB
Girl #1: Every time I see him, he seems so sad.
Girl #2: Every time I see him, he seems so hot!
Girl #1: Well, yeah, but also… somewhat… homosexual.
Overheard by: JB
Dining hall worker: When I got my nipples pierced I had an orgasm when the guy was doing the left one.
Student: Really? How did that happen?
Dining hall worker: When he clamped it I just told him to keep twisting that shit, and 20 minutes later I had an orgasm. It was a little Chinese man who did it…I bet his little uncircumcised dick was all bonered out and shit.
Overheard by: overheardatyale
Girl #1: That’s bad luck!
Girl #2: What’s bad luck?
Girl #1: Putting purses on your floor. You might as well put your menstrual blood on your face!
Yale polo player #1: What are all those people doing on old campus?
Yale polo player #2: Probably “Soccer for Darfur” or something. I hate fake activism like that.
Yale polo player #3: You mean “S'mores for Darfur,” right?
Yale polo player #1: I keep hearing that word, “Darfur.” What does it even mean?
Overheard by: Overheard at Yale
Guy: So she googled me, and found the thing from the dance-off with my balls hanging out! It's the first thing that comes up!
Overheard by: Overheard at Yale
Chick: … And he was so dorky that he, like, mistook my ass for my vagina and he started fingering it, and I was like, ‘Oh, he’s a pro,’ but then I realized and was like, ‘… Oh…’
Overheard by: overheardatyale
Guy (joyous): I want to stay in college forever!
Girl (ecstatic): I want to put in a new tampon!
Yale girl: Last night when I was getting ready to go to bed I was putting pajamas on and there was half a quesadilla in my bra.
Guy #1: The directions are on a green piece of paper.(fumbles around in car)
Guy #2: What the hell is this?
Guy #1: Oh shit. Long story. It's a Portugese kid's back hair.
Overheard by: overheardatyale
Black professor to black student: So I hold you to a different standard than the white students. (to white student) Except for you. Because you're from Michigan.
Overheard by: Overheard at Yale