Father, seeing red squirrel: Shhh…
Son: Aaarrrggghhh!
Father, to passersby: Sorry. We’re beating him twice a day, but it doesn’t seem to help.
Formby Woods
United Kingdom
Father, seeing red squirrel: Shhh…
Son: Aaarrrggghhh!
Father, to passersby: Sorry. We’re beating him twice a day, but it doesn’t seem to help.
Formby Woods
United Kingdom
Very serious little boy to distracted mother: Do you know why I want a solar-powered light saber? Because it’s dangerous!
Southwest YMCA, Quito Avenue
Saratoga, California
Overheard by: shyinvisiblegirl
Girl walking through campus: And that's why you can't put a cat in the microwave.
Saint Joseph's University
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
College dude: I'd totally fuck her bottom half… and I'd just chomp off her top half.
San Jose, California
Overheard by: Skye
16-year-old male in office waiting room, to friend: You can't just solve all your problems by causing a nuclear holocaust, man!
Whatcom Community College
Bellingham, Washington
Overheard by: littlegirlmonkey
Fat female student: I'm thirty-eight years old with a criminal justice degree, and I still can't find nothin' to do in this valley. Nobody's hirin', nothin'.
Skinny female student: Couldn't you just be a cop?
Fat female student: I can't be a cop. They give me a badge an' a gun, I'd be shootin' at fags and wetbacks. I mean, in this day in age… Not to be rude or anything…
West Virginia University
Man #1: I hate the Middle East.
Man #2: Yeah. We should just nuke that island.
Overheard by: amazed and frightened
Girl with fake sword to group of fifty kids with fake swords (prepping them before their war in the park): Today is not about living, today is about dying. You will die at least 100 times today. And you will love it!
Clark Park
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Overheard by: afraid of kids
Girl: Why would you ever kick a squirrel?
Guy: I wanted to see if I could do it.
Overheard by: alyssa
Chick #1, fawning over little pup: Oh my god, he is sooo adorable. Hellooo! Hellooo there, little guy! Awww, so cute. [She and her friend walk away.]Chick #2: Oh, he was so cute! I wish I could have one.
Chick #1: I wish I could have stepped on the little thing and squished its little head.