
Gay guy: Then we can talk about boys more openly because I'll have long hair, and be pretty and have boobs!
Girl: They're not that fun…
Gay guy: Boobs aren't that fun?
Girl: No! 

Pleasant Grove, Utah

Overheard by: Weskimo

Junior girl, watching group of new freshman and shaking her head: I swear they keep getting smaller.

Weber State University

Emo girl #1: I don't want to smell bad; I just want to look like crap.
Emo girl #2: Yeah…

Salt Lake City, Utah

Man with thick accent on cell: The problem is that their religion is their life. They are diabolically opposed. (long pause) Yes. I think it is time for another crusades.

Salt Lake City, Utah

Bikini gal to friend: Wow! Do you ever shave? Your leg stubble just about took my eye out!
Friend: Please, I just spent $85 dollars on a Brazilian wax…look!
Bikini gal: Okay, Brittany, pull your fucking suit up! I'm just talking about your legs!

Salt Lake City, Utah

Overheard by: zelph

Girl #1: Okay, so my sister was watching Pokemon the other day, and asked me a question about it, and I don't know what to tell her.
Girl #2: Well, what is it?
Girl #1: She was wondering, since there are no animals in the show, like cows or anything, if when they ate meat they were eating Pokemon.
Girl #2: Don't tell her the truth, it'll break her nerdy little heart.


Brunette: I'm like a total vegetarian. Except I like chicken, and beef. And sometimes I eat bacon with my breakfast.
Blonde: Are you for real?

Salt Lake City, Utah

Overheard by: Vastly Amused

Man on cell: Hey man! Sorry I couldn't make it, I've got tons of widows waiting on me!

Eccles Tennis center
Salt Lake City, Utah

Overheard by: Brittni

Girl: Can you tell me where the bathroom is?
Woman: Yeah, it’s at the end of this hallway. Just don’t look in the cage there.

Highland, Utah

Overheard by: A tiny bit worried…!

Coworker #1: I don’t even know what on a penis you would even pierce.
Coworker #2: I don’t, either. Let me text my brother-in-law and ask him. Maybe I can get him to send us a picture of his.

Eye clinic
Salt Lake City, Utah

Overheard by: also interested