Washington, DC

Guy #1: ‘Drinking the Kool-Aid’ is such a misused phrase. It’s even become corporate speak. Don’t people realize that it’s a reference to the death of a thousand people?
Guy #2: Yeah, next thing you know they’ll be saying, ‘We’re going to offer a Holocaust of savings.’


Mom: No! Don't walk on that! (kid continues to walk on grass) I hope you step in dog shit.

Capitol Hill
Washington, DC

Overheard by: christa

Girl: Hey, what about that time we went duck hunting naked and…
Random passerby: That sounds like fun!

Washington, DC

Girl, frantically looking through fridge: Shit, I’m gonna be late for work… What the hell? Why is your rice in my freezer?
Boyfriend: Because then it will be happy and prosperous.

Washington, DC

Overheard by: Nic

Crazy blonde lady on park bench: Because they're all about gluttony. Plus, it's harder for them to get in if you're thin, because they're usually fat, you know? (two heavy ladies next to her nod)

Judiciary Square
Washington, DC

Chick: Guess who's a lesbian couple again instead of creepy incest twins!

Washington Monument
Washington, DC

Overheard by: Ladle

College student: Everything in life can be related back to Seinfeld. It's like the bible, except it won't fail you.

Hookah Bar
Washington, DC

College girl #1: I can always tell it's really cold when my face starts tightening up. And I start talking with a lisp.
College girl #2: Girl, you always talk with a lisp!

Capitol Hill
Washington, DC

Girl with blue hair, excitedly on cell: I love it when I inspire my own maternal instincts!

National Mall
Washington, DC

Five-year-old girl to little boy: What happened to our baby?
Little boy: Don't you worry about that baby, woman! I threw it in the trash!

National Zoo
Washington, DC