Washington, DC

Frat boy to another: Dude, why do we always act like such assholes?

National Zoo
Washington, DC

Overheard by: keeeeem

American woman on cell: So when you go to Moscow, can you bring me back some toothpaste? Yeah, just Crest. Thanks.

13th St
Washington, DC

Child running up escalator: I’m winning again!
Mom, huffing and puffing on other escalator: Yeah, well, I’m having a stroke, so…

Cleveland Park Metro station
Washington, DC

Tourist girl on cell: I found the house I want to live in when I move to DC, but then I found out it was the Smithsonian…

Washington, DC

Girl: Why do they have an ambassador to Vatican City?
Guy: Because it’s a country and stuff.
Girl: Do, like, normal people live there?
Guy: I don’t know…
Girl, thoughtfully: It’s a scary place…


Overheard by:

Young woman on cell: Did you just say “The cables must be subjugated”? Uh huh… Okay… Yeah, I don’t think you’re okay to drive either.

Washington, DC

Overheard by: Nic

Professor, about megafauna: I would love to have a giant beaver.

GWU Archaeology lecture
Washington, DC

Student librarian on cell: Hey…who is this? Bill from architecture? Well, yeah, I remember writing my name on your arm, but I like don't remember why.

Music Library, Catholic University
Washington, DC

Overheard by: So much for quiet in the library…

Dude #1: I have a really bad headache.
Dude #2: You know what cures that? Sodomy!


Student: Professor, can you repeat that question?
Professor: I can’t remember! I just make this shit up.

American University
Washington, DC