Dorks, Geeks & Nerds

Nerd #1: You know, we never really have to grow up. We just have to know when to act like we’re actually adults.
Nerd #2 with laptop: Shut up, I’m watching Batman: The Animated Series.

Overheard by: doug

Nerd: So, what do you think of Hitler?

Overheard at York

Chick: So, what are your irrational fears?
Dude: Well, I’m afraid of that song. You know, the John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt one. I mean, ‘that’s my name, too’? What does that mean?! I mean, think about it’s larger sociological implications. That just freaks me out.

Nerd #1: What you really must decide is where your evil alter ego came from. Was it a sudden event that caused it to emerge? Or was it always lurking waiting for the right moment?
Nerd #2, nodding in agreement: Yes, yes. So true.

Skagit, Washington

Pretty hipster in lab: It's cold in here and it's also not hot outside.
Pretty nerd in lab: Shouldn't the thrill of science keep you warm?
Pretty hipster in lab: That's such a stupid thing to say…

Cornell University
Ithaca, New York

Overheard by: Warm for Science

Balding nerdy guy to cute Asian arty girl: What was your name again?
Cute Asian arty chick: No.

Pioneer Square
Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: curtis martin

Nerdy college guy #1: “Bitch” does have a negative connotation.
Nerdy college guy #2: But girls say it to each other, it's like the “n” word!
Nerdy college guy #3: And it can be used as a greeting! “Yo, bitch, what's shakin'?”


Overheard by: SB

Alpha nerd to friends: We should kidnap more people for parties.


Hot black chick: I don't know why you're so surprised… It's the same way I'd nail Lucy Liu and alt-world Neil Patrick Harris.
Nerdy friend: Alt-world Neil Patrick Harris?
Hot black chick: You know, where he's straight and really into black chicks.
Nerdy friend: Baffling.

New Haven, Connecticut

Furry man to girlfriend, loudly: So does your sister, like, *never* shave her legs?

Rutgers University
New Brunswick, New Jersey