San Francisco

Girl: Is there anything on my ass? You’re a girl. You look and see and tell me. Oh my god, is there anything on my ass?!

San Francisco, California

Girl #1: My 21st birthday was fun.
Girl #2: So was mine, minus the fact that my friends bought stuffed animal beavers at the winery and proceeded to yell about how soft and hairy their beavers were… While my dad was driving.
Girl #2's grandma: What's a beaver?
Girl #2's mom: It's…what some people call the female genitalia.
Girl #2's grandma: Ohhh…your grandfather used to just call it a cunt.

San Francisco, California

Mid-30s casual man to woman: Obama is our modern-day political Jesus Christ. He will save us.

San Francisco, California

Overheard by: babybug

Guy to girlfriend: You know, I got the crabs.
Girlfriend: Emm… okay.
Guy: Guess what?
Girlfriend: What?
Guy: You got 'em too, stupid!

San Francisco, California

Curly-haired brunette: So how many sex partners did you say you'd had?
Straight-haired brunette: I think I said ten.
Curly-haired brunette: That's cool.
Straight-haired brunette: Ten in the past year, I mean. Obviously.
Curly-haired brunette, laughing: Obviously! I've seen you having sex with more people than that.

Vallejo Street
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Poogs McNasty

Hipster girl: I don't know, she just smells amazing. Her entire face smells like corn tortilla!

American Apparel
San Francisco, California

Guy on phone at leather bar: Yeah, I’m at a church social… doing the Lord’s work. I’ll be on my knees later.

San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Kiko

Queer, when Bible-thumping lady splashes him with holy water: I’m a faggot, not a vampire. There’s a difference.

San Luis Obispo Gay Pride Festival
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Rish

Large man: You need a back rub?
Girl rubbing shoulder in pain: I’m fine, thanks.
Large man: I give great massages. My mama says it’s better than a orgasm.

MUNI bus
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: melissa

Drunk hobo: Got any spare change so I can buy me some pussy? [Sees man holding sign, “Jesus loves you.”] … It’s in the Bible!

Powell and Market Streets
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Peggy