
Frat boy: Your nipples totally saved my life tonight. Thank you for that.

Star Market
Honolulu, Hawaii

Girl in stall with open door: I got cheese on my nipples!
Girl outside stall, to passerby: Sorry.
Girl in stall, in husky voice: I got cheese between my balls.
Girl outside stall: I'm so sorry.
Girl in stall: I'm so cheesy, sometimes I melt!

Women's Restroom, Public Library
Eugene, Oregon

Queer: I told you they wouldn't have nipple stars!
Girl: Why the hell would they not have nipple stars? It's a hot topic, they should have nipple stars!

Columbus, Ohio

Overheard by: Shopper

Guy in courtyard: Areolas! Areolas! Areolas! Aaaareeeeoooolaaaas! Areolas! Areolas!
Voice from window: What the fuck?
Guy: Areolas!

Kent, Ohio

Teenage boy: Hey, James, don't you remember when you stuck Smarties down your shirt and rubbed them on your nipples?

On the Bus

Overheard by: Kels

Hipster to boyfriend: There are certain places that you expect a woman's nipples to be, and hers were not in any of those places.

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Girl to another standing outside business office: So did you smack her titties?

College Building

Male professor: Can you see my nipples through this shirt?
Female professor: Yes!
Male professor: That is neat.


Overheard by: entiendo

Professor: It's like pouring milk on the floor and putting your baby in it. Not as efficient as a nipple.

University of Vermont

Frat guy to others: I can't believe I puked all over her tits last night. I was so fucking drunk.

University District
Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: Yujin