
Grandma, after car cuts bus off: Bitchassfaggot.
Daughter: Mom!
Grandma: Well, that's what they are!

Public Transit
Minneapolis, Minnesota

AP English teacher: Can anyone tell me what feminine rhyme is?
Guy in class: Um, rhyme that's not very good?

Winona Senior High School
Winona, Minnesota

Overheard by: Stephanie Miene

Girl student: Her family is so weird.
Guy student: How so?
Girl student: Her dad, like, goes in her backyard and catches squirrels.
Guy student, after long pause: Wait, what does he do with them?
Girl student: Raises them?

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Overheard by: Ashlie

College guy: You know when you throw the egg at the pink dinosaur? You know that sound? That's what her accent sounds like.

Macalester College
St. Paul, Minnesota

Guy: So, what do you do?
Woman: Well, I’m actually a homemaker.
Guy: … Oh! So you’re, like, in construction? That’s cool.


Overheard by: DRB

Boy #1: So, I never got what the difference was between liberals and conservatives.
Boy #2: Well, conservatives like big business, and liberals like communism.
Boy #1: Oh. What if I want to be both?
Boy #2: You can't be both. It's an on/off thing. Like, you're either pregnant or you're not. Or like you're Christian or you're Islam.

High School

Man: You're going to need to empty your bladder.
Little girl (in squeaky high voice): I don't wanna empty my bladder!
Man (unashamedly loud): You'll need to empty your bladder before you get on the plane!
Little girl: Not fair!

St. Paul Airport

Guy to friend, matter-of-factly: You know he’s just teaching there for the kielbasa.

Macalester College
St. Paul, Minnesota

Drunk frat boy, yelling to group: Is it someone's birthday?
Cute girl: Yeah! Mine!
Drunk frat boy: How old are you? 19?
Girl: 22.
Drunk frat boy: Oh, I was confused. I was wondering how you could have gotten so drunk if you were 19.
Girl: We're not drunk.
Drunk frat boy: Oh. Well, we are!

Mini Golf Course
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Male bartender: Why'd you open a new grenadine? We have an open one right here. See? Cherry drips all over it.
Female bartender: I got your cherry drips right here. (pause) Wait. Never mind.

St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Overheard by: Whelan