Tall, skinny kid: He's…like…suspiciously Asian.
Tall skinny friend: That's what I thought too!
Tempe, Arizona
Tall, skinny kid: He's…like…suspiciously Asian.
Tall skinny friend: That's what I thought too!
Tempe, Arizona
High chick spotting dirty hippie: Oooh! He’s cute!
Drunk chick: No, he’s dirty!
High chick: He looks like Jesus!
Sober chick: He might look like Jesus, but he smells like shit!
Overheard by: Designated Driver
Little boy: Mommy, can we go back to the giant trampoline where you said you saw sexy daddy?
Sedona, Arizona
Overheard by: J
Girl #1: There are these bees in Asia, and they like shoot venom at you and it like eats your skin or something.
Girl #2: Wow, that's crazy, man! Remind me never to go to Africa.
High School
Scottsdale, Arizona
Student, discussing paper topics: I’d kind of like to do prostitution… Is that too easy?
Professor: Why not? Prostitution is fun! Everybody likes doing prostitution.
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona
Overheard by: Auntie Maim
(at the woodcarving tent)
Pretentious old lady to others: Mike does amazing things with his wood. (pause) I just *love* his wood.
Art & Wine Festival
Cave Creeek, Arizona
Overheard by: J-Kap
Four-year-old boy: Daddy! I wanna get hammered!
(mom pulls out a toy rubber hammer, sighing)
Dad, to everyone around: Shhhhh, nobody heard that! If you did, little forgetfulness fairies will fly into your mind!
Phoenix, Arizona
Stoner chick on cell: Yeah, he’s just gonna want to get high and do stuff to my ass.
Scottsdale, Arizona
Overheard by: Jon
Crazy man to woman walking to her car: Sir! Sir! There is evidence here that there has been sexual activity in this area!
Woman: (silence)
Crazy man (under breath): Lazy pig.
Parking Garage
Tucson, Arizona