Boyfriend: Let’s get you all liquored up, and I can throw it in your butt.
Girlfriend: No! That’s not even how it happened the first time.
Trader Joe’s
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: Jummy Bear
Boyfriend: Let’s get you all liquored up, and I can throw it in your butt.
Girlfriend: No! That’s not even how it happened the first time.
Trader Joe’s
Las Vegas, Nevada
Overheard by: Jummy Bear
Girl #1: It is so hard getting laid living with my brother. I am a fucking loud girl when it's going on. For me to be quiet has been hard as hell.
Girl #2: Maybe get him to gag you, you'll like it and you will be quiet, that is what I found myself getting into.
Girl #1: I don't know, maybe I will try it, but I can't be doing that with a guy I meet on the first night.
Girl #3: It would be like anything else: try it a few times, if you don't like it find something else.
Girl #1: Last time I did that I tried anal, and that did not end well.
Girls #2 and #3: (laugh hard)
Girl #2: I remember that disaster.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Queer to date: Do you have a fist up your ass?
Center City, Philadelphia
Overheard by: keeeeem
Guy with baby: So, I found out that Ed tried something fairly kinky with Sarah when they got together at our wedding…
Girl: What? What did he try?
Guy with baby: It was fairly kinky…
Girl: Did he try to sodomize her?
Guy with baby: Alright, he did! But he was too drunk… She said it was like a marshmallow. [Turns to baby in baby talk] Wasn’t my cousin a big silly to try to sodomize my roommate when he was in that state? Yes he was! Yes he was!
Dominick’s Restaurant
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Overheard by: Jack
Girl to two guys: So, who has the smaller cock?
Guy #1: Oh, me.
Girl: You can fuck me in the ass.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Overheard by: Doug
Guido: Dude, I think your girlfriend is going to dump you. You fell off your chair inside and you punched me in the ribs twice when I got up to go to the bathroom.
Drunk Guido: No, she can’t dump me. She lets me put it in her ass!
Outside Restuarant
Baltimore, Maryland
Overheard by: Lauren
Girl #1: Ugh, I just got raped by another final.
Girl #2: Seems all you talk about these days is getting sodomized by exams.
Girl #1: Why do you always assume it’s anal?
Girl: My stomach hurts…
Guy: Maybe you should stop having so much butt sex.
Jersey City, New Jersey
Annoyed guy walking with his girlfriend: Whatever… We can do it anally tonight if you want.
Overheard by: Ian
College girl #1: Look, there are two things in this world that I don't believe in: Cannibalism and butt sex.
College girl #2: I'm pretty sure both of those exist…
College girl #1: Yeah, but there is no way that they happen as much as people say they do! I mean, have you ever cannibalized or butt sexed? No, I didn't think so.
Charlottesville, Virginia
Overheard by: busting a gut