
Young waitress: He hit a deer on his motorcycle?! That's like… running into a horse with another horse!

Eugene, Oregon

Overheard by: Picture that…

Customer: Is this a cheese danish?
Hipster barista: It's lemon creme…kind of cheesy, I guess.
Customer: Is it good?
Hipster barista: Kind of… It's subjective.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Female barista: He's going to Tel Aviv or something. I don't even know where that is.
Male barista: Tel Aviv?
Female barista: Yeah, it's like in Egypt or something, I think.
Male barista: Oh, wait, no, that's the tv station.
Female barista: What?
Male barista: Yeah, it's like their version of the BBC.

Orinda, California

Bar patron to another: And then we cracked eggs into her vagina.

Blue Moon Tavern
Seattle, Washington

Barista: That will be $9.74, please.
Customer: I have a coupon.
Barista, singing as she rings up new total: Lies, lies, lies.

Harvard Square
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Overheard by: Trouble

Middle-aged father to waitress, about loud toddler daughter: It's an emergency. We need some happy juice.

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: silver

Hostess: Your son and I were just talking about what he wants for Christmas.
10-year-old boy: Turkey bacon!
Gruff-looking father: You want turkey bacon for Christmas?
10-year-old boy, to hostess: He never buys any!
Gruff-looking father: Hey, if you want turkey bacon for Christmas, I'll get you turkey bacon.

Middletown, Connecticut

Waiter #1: We need to get this shit done and get out of here.
Waiter #2: Yep. I need to get to the bar. Molly's not gonna fuck herself tonight.

Indianapolis, Indiana

Overheard by: Shatmandu

Barmaid: I was having sex with a girl, and in the heat of the moment she called me Frank. Which is horrifying, as that's her dad's name.


Barista #1: Katie, can you make one more tall Americano?
Barista #2: Katie, can you make one black straight boy love me?

Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: Rook