
Guy #1, after British tourists leave elevator: Stupid British bitches.
Guy #2: Wow, you hate Brits?
Guy #1: You know it.
Guy #2: But Maggie is British, and you like her.
Guy #1: Yeah, well, that’s because Maggie is a tranny.

Hotel Whitcomb
San Francisco, California

Overheard by: Adam

3L law student: He’s just irritating. He’s like one of those people who masturbates to Scalia decisions.

Tween girl #1: Oh my god… You look so orange in that picture!
Tween girl #2: Bitch.
Tween girl #1: No! It’s a good thing! Orange is the new pink!


Guy #1, shocked and angry: Dude, she's autistic!
Guy #2: Yeah! But she's a full functioning autistic, so fuck you for judging.

Seattle, Washington

Overheard by: Ferdinand

Female student #1: Eeew, she has a rolling backpack, you know what that means…
Female student #2: Whore?
Female student #1: Absolutely not what I was going to say.

San Francisco, California

Queer to friend: It's pretentious, it's stupid, it sucks, and I love it.

Dallas, Texas

Overheard by: keeeem

Loud eighth grader: Michael's such a douche, all he wants to do is get in my pants.
Even louder teacher: You're in eighth grade, you shouldn't be letting anybody in your pants!

Potomac, Maryland

Overheard by: Math is my new favorite subject…

Adult male to adult female and teen: You know what I told her? I says “you're a cunt, with a capital K.”

Outside Skateboard Shop
Chattanooga, Tennessee

High chick spotting dirty hippie: Oooh! He’s cute!
Drunk chick: No, he’s dirty!
High chick: He looks like Jesus!
Sober chick: He might look like Jesus, but he smells like shit!


Overheard by: Designated Driver

Five-year-old son: I am going to see the Reds yesterday with Mom.
Father: You mean tomorrow?
Five-year-old son: No, yesterday.
Father, puzzled: I think you mean tomorrow, buddy.
Five-year-old son, frustrated: Ugh! You’re a pea-brain, Dad!

Cincinnati, Ohio

Overheard by: teachinghimthewrongthings