
Teenage girl #1: I mean, what's the point of dating an ugly, short, junior with herpes and acne if he doesn't even have his learner's permit?
Teenage girl #2: Shut up and eat.

Shari's Restaurant
Beaverton, Oregon

Overheard by: Claire

Drunk college guy: Is that Nala?
Drunk college chick: She is so pretty… Don’t you think she’s pretty?
Drunk college guy: I’m not really into cartoons…[after several seconds] I gotta say, though, Kim pretty hot.

Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: Megan

Bra-less woman in tight pink polo shirt, to boyfriend: I asked Carl what his new girlfriend looked like, and he didn’t even hesitate — he just said, ‘Shrek’!

Overheard by: stephanie

Girl: Cara is so cute.
Guy: Yeah, she's adorable.
Girl: I mean, if I were a lesbian, I'd have sex with her.
Guy: I'm a little creeped out by that.
Girl: I mean, I've thought about it… (slight pause) I've never weighed myself!

Boston, Massachusetts

Large black woman: They were the finest people on the block, but man, were their kids ugly!

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Overheard by: Jyoshiki

Traffic cop: She said, “Do you like it?” and I was like, “Yeah, it looks really nice.” And then she said, “Is it subtle?” and I was like “Jenny*, you’re a black woman with orange and yellow hair!”

Plymouth, Michigan

Overheard by: Morgz

Taller Asian teen: Ha ha! You're so short! Shorty!
Shorter Asian teen: (silence)
Taller Asian teen: Sorry, I was just kidding.
Shorter Asian teen, sadly: Well, it's only because my shoulders are below my head…


Boyfriend: Baby, you have to shave that mustache.
Girlfriend: Shut up! I keep telling you I'm getting it waxed.

New Jersey

Overheard by: Rebecca

Girl #1, about friend's makeup: This is definitely your color. Makes you look really classy.
Girl #2: Thanks!
Girl #1: Which is funny, because you're such a tramp.


Overheard by: plethora

Dude #1: Is that him? I can’t tell from here.
Dude #2: That’s him. I can tell because he looks like a walrus.

Beloit, Wisconsin

Overheard by: Coo-coo-ca-choo