
Man: Can I bum a cigarette?
Beatnik girl: No, I need them all. The smoke fertilizes my brain, and I must get pregnant with ideas [blows smoke in his face].

São Paulo

Biotech on cell: Oh my god, she is so stupid! She goes home all the freaking time. Like, just last weekend she had to go home for her dying friend.

Texas Christian University
Fort Worth, Texas

Plus-size sistah: And that damn condom came off!
Friend: Oh, shit, girl! What happened?
Plus-size sistah: I dunno. It's still up in there.
Friend: What? How long?
Plus-size sistah: It's been three days. I can't reach that bitch!
Friend: Girl! That's nasty! And if you askin' what I think you askin', you can forget it!

Restaurant, Chinatown
Washington, DC

Overheard by: Joe

Woman on cell: I totally didn’t recognize her. Yeah, so I guess she thinks she can get away with not doing her hair and make-up before surgery.

Office Depot
Fort Worth, Texas

Girl watching Christian Bale in The Dark Knight: If I had a cock I'd so fuck him in the mouth.

Racine, Wisconsin

Chick to guy: Well, the joke’s on you, because I have syphilis.

Overheard by:

Chick #1: She looks kind of…
Chick #2: Satanic?
Chick #1: I was going to say Ukrainian, but…

Allegheny College

Sorostitute: Oh my god! Your baby is so cute! How old is she?
Single mom: One.
Sorostitute: Oh my god. She is so precious! I love children, I keep the nursery in church and I used to babysit, like, all the time. Do you think I could…
Single mom: No.
Sorostitute: Hold her?
Single mom: No.

University of Alabama

High-school girl #1: Caveman.
High-school girl #2: Arm-sex!
High-school girl #1: That never gets old.
High-school girl #2: Yeah!


Overheard by: SpamiKami

Obnoxious chick: … And I was like, ‘Yo, get your STD blood off my shoe! You lick it off!’

DRT bus
Whitby, Ontario

Overheard by: freshman whisperer