
Loud teenage girl: Oh my god, condoms are flying everywhere!

Ridgewood, New Jersey

Overheard by: i don’t see any condoms

Peer-taught health class leader: Do not open condoms with a knife.

Eugene, Oregon

Overheard by: nyssa

Short girl: So, what do you do with the pen cap condoms?
Much taller girl: Okay, you take them…and you throw them out.
Short girl: You don't like…reuse them or something?
Much taller girl, smiling: Do you reuse normal condoms?
(short girl laughs)
Much taller girl, seriously: Don't just wash those and reuse them.

Onteora HS
Boiceville, New York

Overheard by: Toasted

Cashier: Do you want a bag for those?
Man buying condoms: No, I want to wear them home.

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Overheard by: C

Girl #1: So, how did she find out?
Girl #2: I was right in the middle of vomiting and my mom opened the door and said, ‘You’ve been binge drinking and having unprotected sex?!’
Girl #1: … So, how did she find out?

College of Charleston
Charleston, South Carolina

Overheard by: Addison

Peer-taught health class leader: Small group condom practice! Wooot!

Eugene, Oregon

Overheard by: nyssa

8th grade health teacher, answering why you can't put a condom on when you're not erect: So…um, when it's not hard, it's just like there, you know, flapping in the wind…

Silver Spring, Maryland

Overheard by: nice thought…

Guy to friends: I use condoms in town, but skeet out of town.

Nashville, Tennessee

Overheard by: Eve's dropper

Drunken teenage girl, dancing down the street: I taste like fucking condoms!

Toronto, Canadia

(during a film in a movie theater)
Girl #1 (whispering): Ow, something's itching me–I think there's something in my bra. (gasps) Oh my god!
Girl #2: What is it!?
Girl #1: I just found a condom in my bra and I think it was from last night but I don't remember putting it there!
