Man buying condoms, to wife: I don’t need any lubricant with you, honey!
Kingston, Ontario
Man buying condoms, to wife: I don’t need any lubricant with you, honey!
Kingston, Ontario
Wife: This is the last chance. I’m really going to file for divorce unless you’re willing to work at this.
Husband: I deserve someone that I won’t cheat on.
Omaha, Nebraska
Hubby to wifey: No power on earth will make me wear a diaper.
Overheard by: Jessie
Wife: Would you still love me if I peed my pants?
Husband: Yep.
Wife: Would you still love me if I shit my pants?
Husband: We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Nashville, Tennessee
Middle-aged black woman to husband: Baby, you remember that time I shot you?
Indianapolis, Indiana
Man, pointing out the window, to his wife: Look, honey, they even have cars!
Overheard by: The Zipster
Hubby: Man, when I trim my ass hair my farts sound weird!
Old hillbilly: I love my old lady so much, I told her that when I die, I want her to cremate me, put me in a douche bag and give me one more go ’round…
Athens, Georgia
Scientologist: Excuse me, sir. Would you like a free personality test from the Church of Scientology?
Suit: I don’t need one. My wife says I’m an asshole.
Outside Church of Scientology, Yonge Street
Overheard by: lauren mcgoldrick