
Woman: Well, yes, of course I’m making it all up. But you know it’s true.
Friend: Oh, yes!

New Zealand

Overheard by: Ross

Person #1: But isn’t that lying?
Person #2: Don’t worry about it, it’s only for your security clearance.

Statistics professor: So let's say we ask a random question, such as “have you had unprotected sex with a prostitute in the last week?”.
(class laughs)
Statistics professor: Most people would answer “no.” Including myself. I'll leave it up to you to decide if that's the truth or not.

University of Guelph

Overheard by: Danielle

Little boy: Dad, what’s a “brer” rabbit?
Father: A rabbit with a lot of brer in it.

Magic Kingdom
Disney World, Florida

Overheard by: Natalie

Happy dad to little kid: Capital punishment is fun!

Morgantown, West Virginia

Woman to small child: Oh, yes, Satan is very busy. He’s, uh… He’s… Yeah, he’s veeery busy.

New Haven, Connecticut

Little boy in coffee shop: Mom, I want it, I want it, I want it!
Mom: Shhh, Joshua! Santa Claus is watching!
Little boy: Mom! Santa Claus is not watching!

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Girl: Hey, quit staring at my breasts!
Guy #1: Yeah, why are you staring at my girlfriend’s breasts?
Guy #2: Well, man, see… It’s like this — she’s like my sister.

Overheard by: lissa

Teen to others: Did you know that Ben Franklin invented the first haunted house?

In Line for Haunted House
Roanoke, Vriginia

Girl on cell: Yeah, so I'm going to tell my mom that he asked me to marry him, and then he died. (pause) Yeah, she'll probably ask if I need anything, and that's when I'll tell her about the car. (pause) Yeah, I'll be heartbroken, blah, blah, blah… at least I'll get a new car out of the deal! (pause) He's a made-up boyfriend! She's not going to find out he didn't really die, because he never really existed!

San Marcos, California