
Guy friend: I'm super excited to have couscous and sausage for lunch.
Girl friend: Yeah, I'm always kinda down till I get some sausage in me.
Guy friend: Whoa!

Bangor, Maine

Overheard by: Sarita

Woman on cell in line for bathroom: You did all that for a jelly bean!?

Portland, Maine

Overheard by: Emily

Student to teacher who just made a mistake finger-spelling on board: Finger!
Teacher, erasing board: If I had a nickel every time someone said that to me.

Hampden, Maine

Girl #1: You look really high right now.
Girl #2, panicking: Do I smell high!?

Cumberland, Maine

Overheard by: Jade

Fat tourist mom: Nah… I don't wanna eat there.
Fat tourist dad, wistfully: Well, it's not McDonald's.

Outside Marcy's Diner
Portland, Maine

Overheard by: townie knows best

Girl #1: Remember that time you chased the porcupine?
Girl #2: Yeah. It was so cute, I just wanted to pet it.
Girl #1: And remember when you tried to run that bullfrog over?
Girl #2: That's because I don't like animals that aren't furry.
Girl #1: What about the porcupine? He's not furry.
Girl #2: But porcupines have feathers, so they count.
Girl #1: Porcupines don't have feathers.
Girl #2: Yes, they do.
Girl #1: They have quills.
Girl #2: Oh! When you were saying “porcupine” I thought you meant “turkey.”

Portland, Maine

Overheard by: Jade

Cashier: I never noticed before, but you look like a meerkat.
Customer: Is that another Pokemon?

Yarmouth, Maine

Overheard by: Jade

Fireman: And then he asked me if I'd ever covered my hand with a plastic bread bag, and then squished my shit around in the toilet… just to see what it feels like.


Woman: I'm all for a reign of terror, but nothing that involves Winnie the Pooh.

Portland, Maine

Guy to girlfriend after late-night party: You name a breast after me, but you don't trust me?

West End
Portland, Maine